
Increasing Average Order Value by 16%

Premium grocery app Trela saw a significant increase in revenue with Shaped.

About Trela

Marketplace for fresh and healthy products

  • Founded in
  • Employees
  • Headquarters
    São Paulo
  • Funding

Trela specializes in delivering high-quality food products directly to consumers in Brazil. The platform emphasizes offering a wide range of items, including fresh produce, dairy, meats, frozen meals, bakery items, snacks, and beverages, at affordable prices.

The Challenge

Sustaining growth and increasing profitability

Trela found that without effective recommendations, customers tended to stick with familiar orders, leading to stagnation in repeat order growth and missed revenue opportunities from cross-selling and upselling.

"We wanted to drive repeat purchases and boost average order values."
Gui Nazareth, CEO at Trela

Over several months Trela built multiple machine-learning models with Shaped

First, Trela introduced personalized 'Suggestions for you' recommendations on the homepage, tailoring product to individual user preferences. Next, 'Similar items' were added to product pages, guiding users towards items related to their current interests. Finally, 'Complementary item' suggestions were integrated into the checkout process, recommending additional products that pair well with the user's order. Each of these enhancements collectively contributed to increased order values, and higher repeat purchase rates.


Average order value increased by 16%

Users have also shared positive feedback that the additional carousels for 'Similar items' and 'Complementary items' were helpful in improving their shopping experience.

"From our A/B tests Shaped's algorithms have delivered a clear boost to our revenue."
Nicolas Stegmann, Data Scientist at Trela
Next Steps

Connecting a streaming store to Shaped so Trela can utilize real-time features

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